Farmers and Nature Net Association (FNN) is a local, non-profit and non-political farmer organization, which was established in 2003 and officially registered at the Ministry of Interior on March 10th, 2006. FNN represents a network of village-based farmer organizations that acts as an umbrella to represent and serve the interests of self-help associations, agricultural cooperatives, and provides technical assistances on capacity building. In general, the majority members of FNN are subsistence farmers, who are poor living in the rural communities. To date, the number of individual members of FNN is 46,176 persons (whom 31,009 are female) base in 15 target provinces, 56 districts, 214 communes, 804 villages, and 820 self-help saving associations. Saving capital of self-help associations have been increasing up to US$ 28,162,199.00 with institutional/collective funds are around US$ 832,000.00, reserved funds are US$ 22,823.00 and social funds are US$ 80,003.00. Beside that there are six rice-mil cooperatives are members of FNN at district level. Four are actively functioning. In 2017, there have been 62 officially registered agricultural cooperatives are members of FNN with 11,175 members (whom 6,587 are female) with operation various businesses include rice and rice-mill cooperative businesses, fertilizers, vegetables, poultry, animal feed mill and so on. Furthermore, new members also include 11 chicken producer groups, 12 organic vegetable producer groups, 36 organic rice producer groups and 1 fish producer group. At national level FNN is led by Board of Directors (BoD), which composed of 15 elected farmer representatives from 15 target provinces plus 4 representatives of national expertise networks include savings and credit network, youth, women and organic rice producers network. At regional level, FNN is a member of Asian Farmer Association for Sustainable Development (AFA) since 2008. From 2012-2014, FNN performed as a chairpersonship of AFA and sit as a non-voting steering committee of Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) from Asia Civil Society Representative. As a member of the GAFSP’s steering committee, FNN participated in two steering committee meetings at the World Bank headquarter in Washington D.C, USA. As chairpersonship of FNN, FNN has been invited to participate in four Farmer Forums at IFAD Headquarter in Rome, Italy.